Friday, March 11, 2011


The image on the left is representing the word "pumped". It uses bold colors to convey the meaning of the word. The pattern of the design helps to provide motion and energy to the piece. The image on the right is representing the word "longing". The color blue is normally associated with sadness, so it fit here. The word itself is going into the background but stays bold to represent something that you can't have but desperately want. There are eyes are eyes in the background for a pattern to add a hidden layer to the piece. The large eye helps to push the strong sense of the word.

The assignment for the design was to convey emotions using text. I made this my own by using the pencil tool, as well as the text tool, to create images relating to my subjects. Everything on the page, minus the fill in the background, is made using text. I believe the images help enhance the meaning as well as provide a subject to relate to.

When I started "pumped", I immediately knew that I wanted to do a fist to convey excitement and power. I adjusted the opacity of the image to give it life and added bright, bold colors in the background to add to the upbeat air of the image. With "longing" I wanted it to be somber. The blue seemed natural, as did the crying eye. When I fiddled with the word itself, I found that the eye and the "L" seemed to have a similar shape, so it became connected. I chose to flip the text on the eye on the outermost part to create lashes.

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